we are

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP is a Penn State club for international students, spouses, post-docs, researchers, scholars & professors from all nations. We welcome any faith or religious background.

We provide communities to meet new people, develop friendships, and also increase your understanding of Jesus if you are interested. We look forward to meeting you!

Community Gatherings

Saturday Night Live (SNL)

The purpose of SNL is to have a space for all nations, where people can take a break and be mentally + physically (food+games), emotionally (relationships), and spiritually restored (bible discussion). 

Core Group

A Thursday Night weekly meeting of our Student Body Leaders to understand how to follow and live the ways of Jesus.

International Friday Sports

A weekly event to build fellowship and community amongst all international students.

Featured Services

English Conversation Partners

Additional Help

Trips and Activities

Visit A Church

Bible Studies

Follow us on social

We also use Facebook for posts. Come Join and follow us along!

On instagram we have interactive stories, as well as photos and videos of our events!

WhatsApp is our main mode of communication. We have multiple channels such as general posts, SNL, sports group, and more. Contact one of the staff to see which groups would suit you best.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!